News and Updates
News and Updates
Showing 1-23 of 23 results
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Imperial Lates Senses
Join the Imperial Lates for an evening of sensory stimulating activities to explore science. This instalment of Imperial Lates will be full of sensory stimulating activities to explore science.…
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Laptops and Drinks - Black History Month Special
Laptops and Drinks was inspired by a group of professional black women coming together, wanting to share some of the honest conversations about life’s dilemmas and experiences. Growing up we…
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Gene Therapy and Its Potential For Treating Health Conditions
Imperial College Academic Health Science Centre is hosting an online seminar, two experts will talk about their research into gene therapy. Professor Uta Griesenbach is Professor of Molecular…
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HCC Education Session Cardiac failure in Sickle Cell disease
Dear HCC Members and Colleagues, The West London HCC is very pleased to announce that Dr Malcolm Walker a Cardiologist with a specific interest in cardiovascular complications of thalassaemia…
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HCC Education Session: Lab Results and Newborn Screening
The West London HCC is very pleased to announce that Tim Christofi (Pathology lead) and Laura Fraser (Head of Haemoglobinopathy Screening, Central Middlesex Hospital) at London North West University…
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Acute pain management in sickle cell disease: update national pain group
Presentation: Acute pain management in sickle cell disease : update national pain group and example of pain service. Speaker: Dr Sanne Lugthart, MD, PhD, Consultant Haematologist, University…
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Sickle Cell and The Workplace: Policy and Procedures - Know Your Rights
We would like to invite you to the next Invisible Warrior workshop: Sickle Cell and The Workplace: Policy and Procedures - Know Your Rights Date: Monday 30th October 2023 Time: 7-8.30 pm…
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Patient Public Voice Group Away Day
On Friday the 29th of September the Patient and Public voice group of the HCC held an away day with David Gilbert from InHealth Associates. The session was a great chance for the patients and HCC…
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Simulation Training
Check out Dr Layan Allawi’s (the Darzi Fellow at London North West University Hospital Trust) Teaching session on Simulation training by clicking here
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Education Session Short Clips
Why not check out our latest Education session! We have some short clips which are now available on our Educational Establishment Resources page. For more or head over to our YouTube Channel where…
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National Education Session on Acute Complications in SCD
The West London HCC is very pleased to announce that on Friday 8th September 2023 Dr Sanne Lugthart is giving a talk on Acute Complications in Sickle Cell Disease via Microsoft Teams This event is…
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National Education Session on Thalassaemia - A Nursing Focus
The West London HCC is very pleased to announce that on Monday 30th October 2023 the nursing team at Manchester Royal Infirmary will be giving talks on Thalassaemia - A nursing Focus via Microsoft…
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Education Session on Sickle Cell for School Nurses and Teachers
The West London HCC is very pleased to announce that Dr Layan Allawi (Darzi Fellow at London North West University Healthcare Trust), Elizabeth Olukoga (Specialist Paediatric Sickle Cell Community…
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Education Session on Fatigue in Sickle Cell Disease
The West London HCC is very pleased to announce that Brenda Poku , Research Fellow and a Principal Investigator on an ESRC New Investigator Grant at the University of Nottingham, is giving a…
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HCC Teaching session Antenatal Screening of Haemoglobinopathies
West London Haemoglobinopathy Coordinating Centre (HCC) Antenatal Screening of Haemoglobinopathies (Sickle Cell & Thalassaemia) Midwives’ Virtual Education Programme Wednesday 17th May 2023 @ 2pm…
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Gene Therapy for SCD in Africa and the activities by the Global Gene Therapy Initiative
Please head over to our YouTube to watch our Educational Session that occurred on the 21st of April 2023 about Gene Therapy for Sickle Cell in Africa and the activities by the Global Gene Therapy…
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Sickle Cell Education Series Episode 3: Treatments, How are they meant to treat me?
Welcome to Episode 3 of our Sickle Cell Education Series, a comprehensive and engaging year-long course tailored for individuals with sickle cell disorder. Title: Treatments - Are they meant to…
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The Sickle Cell Series - The Immune System: With Us or Against Us
Join us for the second episode of the series by Dr Rossby Awadzi and the rest of the Sickle Cell Series team on February 23rd from 6:30pm - 8:00pm. For more information please email us
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HCC Education session - Cerebrovascular Function in Paediatric Sickle Cell Patients and Transcranial Doppler Imaging
The West London HCC is very pleased to announce that Prof Fenella Kirkham (Professor of Paediatric Neurology, Developmental Neurosciences Dept. UCL GOS Institute of Child Health) and Prof. Dawn…
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Preparing for the Holiday Season and End of Year Reflections
It’s the holiday season & this can bring twinkling lights & glittering moments. It can also be a busy period, one where we might notice the cold & feelings of isolation. How do you pace things…
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Back to Basics - Understanding Anaemia
Join Dr Rossby AWADZI alongside Dr Kofi Anie and Dr Layan Allawi. First session in the series: Back to Basics - Understanding Anaemia. This event will be taking place on December 19th from…
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HCC Education Session: Paediatric Nursing Sickle Cell in Emergency Departments
The West London HCC is very pleased to announce that Nadia Osman (Paediatric Haemoglobinopathies Clinical Nurse Specialist at London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust) and Catherine…
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National Education Session: Management of Pregnancy in Sickle Cell Disease
The West London HCC as part of the National education programme is very pleased to announce that Dr Mamta Sohal (Consultant Haematologist at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Training…